Chair Department
Welcome to the Department of English

At Department of English, Air University, we offer courses in linguistics and literature at BS, MS and PhD levels. The department also caters to the linguistic needs of students from other faculties through offering a wide array of ESP courses. The Department of English is determined to provide the best experience of learning and research. The students are not only encouraged to acquire knowledge, information and skills of their field, but are also encouraged to be responsible citizens and informed human beings. Moreover, our advisory committees provide them with counselling in academic and personal matters brought to them

The role of research for the betterment of a country and its people cannot be ignored these days. This field needs to be brought to focus especially in developing countries like Pakistan. In this regard, we create opportunities for our students and scholars to polish and hone their research skills. We publish two bi-annual journals: in linguistics and literature i.e. Erevna and in Corpus Linguistics i.e. Corporum. We also have a research center, Corpus Research Center which has launched the first Pakistani National Corpus of English language. Our students and scholars also arrange research seminars and annual international conferences to contribute in the field of research. To teach our students diversity of Pakistani cultures and languages, interfaith harmony, tolerance and acceptance, we arrange “Unity in Diversity” annually and the Guest Speaker Seminar Series sessions twice a semester.

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Dr. Farzana Masroor