The Alumni Association is for the graduates of the Department of English, Faculty of Social Sciences Air University Islamabad. It aims to provide a platform to optimally utilize the energies and competencies of its graduates who come from diverse backgrounds. The Alumni supports its members in creating and maintaining a cohesive bond with Air University, as well as amongst themselves at various stages in their careers.
Mission Statement
The Alumni Association promotes effective collaboration by bringing past, present, and future alumni together and transforming them into a vibrant think-tank. It encourages active academic participation so that our ideas, teamwork skills and productivity combined together would enhance our capabilities and strengthen our relationship with the University academia. This scholarly community is to be seen as a source of pride for the department. The Alumni invites the graduates to present their erudite work, share their initiatives, discuss their research predicaments, seek cooperation from one another and, most importantly, to dynamically assemble an intellectual community comprising of thinkers, researchers, writers, academicians and pedagogues from various fields of life. By inviting all the scholars to one platform, our Alumni association aims to provide an academic pedestal, giving equal opportunities for scholastic progress and intellectual development to its current and former students.
Who is Eligible for Membership?
You are eligible to join our alumni association if you:
- Hold a degree from the Department of English of Air University
- Completed more than one semester at Air University’s Department of English
- Have been awarded an honorary degree from Air University’s Department of English
Events and Information
- a. Invitations for Workshop/Seminars/Conferences/ University activities
Alumni members are invited to various seminars, workshops, and conferences as participants, presenters and resource persons. This helps in maintaining close ties with the university and provides them with an opportunity to share and communicate their interests, beliefs, knowledge etc
- b. Get involved in Research
The members of Alumni Association are encouraged to publish their research work. In this respect they will be guided and provided with information about relevant journals, websites etc
- c. Alumni Reunions
Alumni meetings are held monthly that can provide opportunities to be active in various workshops, seminars, cultural activities etc. Furthermore, an annual dinner of alumni is arranged which can be a focal point to meet each other in the university and share achievements, sense of belonging, future planning etc.