The Department of Physics offers degrees in Bachelors of Physics (BS), MS in Applied Physics and PhD Physics. The BS Physics (BS) program spreads over eight semesters (04 year) and requires successful completion of around 133 credit hours inclusive of courses, laboratory and final year project. MS and PhD programs initially focus on the fields of Materials Science, Nano Biotechnology, Renewable Energy and Computational Physics. The physicists and engineers via this program could join hands for producing qualified manpower for meeting the growing demand of professionals in these areas. Its graduates trained in the experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of material science and technology are expected to be active members of interdisciplinary teams for identifying, formulating and solving problems of national interest. The MS degree program requires successful completion of 24 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of research work. Whereas, the PhD degree program requires successful completion of 18 credit hours of course work and 30 credit hours of research work. MS and PhD is an evening program; classes are conducted between 03:30-07:00 pm.