

Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Dr. Amir Ishaque / Dr. Saad Hassan

Internal GEC Members: Dr. Mueen A. Zafar & Dr. Muzammel Shah

External GEC Member: Dr. Muhammad Jehangir (Abdul Wali Khan University) & Dr. Khurram Shahzad (RIPAH)

Thesis Title: Examining the Nexus between Organizational Configuration and Organizational Performance: A Parallel and Serial Multiple Mediation Anaylsis

Summary:: This study endeavors to assess the influence of organizational configuration on organizational performance within the export processing zones of Pakistan. Additionally, it examines the mediating role of high-performance HR practices and employee well-being in the relationship between organizational configuration and performance. Employing a quantitative survey strategy and a multi-stage sampling technique, the research involved 594 middle-level managers across 101cross-sectoral firms in export processing zones of Pakistan. The findings affirm that firms adopting an organic organizational structure, differentiation strategy, and superior high-performance work practices exhibit enhanced employee well-being and superior organizational performance within the Pakistani context.

Thesis Title: Effects of Culture through Promotive Voice on Advisers’ Salience: A Comparison of Growth and Non-growth Firms.

Summary: This is a comparative study exploring the concept of stakeholder salience, particularly focusing on the advisers of a firm. It utilizes Hofstede's five cultural dimensions (individualism, power distance, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation) in relation to the promotive voice of advisers. The research, conducted through a large cross-sectional, cross-country, and cross-sectoral dataset, examines how culture impacts adviser salience and the role of homophily in moderating this relationship. The study, which includes data from both high-growth and low-growth firms during COVID-19, finds that cultural dimensions, except masculinity, affect adviser salience through promotive voice, and that attitudinal homophily also plays a moderating role. This research contributes to the understanding of cultural influences, voice modulation, and stakeholder salience in organizational settings.

The Department of Graduate Studies, AUSOM organized a seminar on Counterculture and Decoding the Agile Mindset. Mr. Waleed Riaz, COO, and Co-founder of DPL, a leading IT services company in Pakistan, was our distinguished speaker. This seminar was aimed to foster strong connections with academia, provide knowledge about cutting-edge management methodologies, and shed light on the effective implementation of Agile principles.

Thesis Title: Antecedents and outcomes of career optimism: A Serial mediation model